Monday, October 29, 2012

10/29 Reading

Chapter 7 of Howard’s Design to Thrive entitled “Significance” focuses on building gravitas, brand, and recognition. This chapter will focus on what to look for in terms of providing members of a social community with a sense of significance and would make them want to continue with the site and use it long-term.

In order to make your community be viewed as significant, it needs to be: “well recognized, established as the “go-to-place for accomplishing your users’ goals, valued by people your users respect, population by people who are serious and passionate in their field and distinguished as a reputable brand to your users” (168). Creators of communities must keep in mind that outside factors are as much of an importance to success to the community as inside ones.

The idea of exclusivity is attractive for potential members. Howard makes a key point when it points this concept out on page 168: “People are perverse; they want to be a part of a group, but they don’t want to be another face in the crowd.” The challenge for designers comes into play because of this thought process by users. An example of this type of exclusivity can be seen through the start of Facebook. First designed as an extremely exclusive site, the site then became more open to the public by very slowly, and through several steps. When Facebook went completely public, some members cried out but the popularity of the site is still established due to the overwhelming amount of people that populate it.

Some techniques Howard uses: Identify key “influentials,” Regional Service Directors, National Training Staff, Executive Directors among others, because they are guaranteed to have their own extensive networks. By using this information, you can offer premium access for influentials to bring them (and hopefully some of their networks) to use the site. You can also use poster child testimonials, presentations art regional conferences, documentary dvds, magazine stories, and others (184-185).

The following section is titled “Techniques” which includes an in-depth look at these (8) listed:
1) Provide a story that shares a vision
2) List members’ accomplishments
3) Participate in influential communities to create trails back to yours
4) Build your social network or community in a custom space
5) Make connections with other leaders in social
6) Celebrate celebrities
7) Create a contest, game, or video
8) Mobilize your existing members

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